Restore Hope
Make a Difference
The struggle to supply basic needs takes all the energy that some people have and robs them of hope.
21 Day
Challenge for Clean Laundry
Featured Story
Steve’s Life Change
Steve is retired and tells us how he has struggled for many years to pay his bills on a fixed income. Since Steve has begun coming to The Well for food assistance things have gotten a little easier for him. “I can pay all my bills and buy my medicine every month because of the help I receive here!”
Proverbs 13:12
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life.
Produce Change

Laundry Facilities
The nearest laundromat is over 20 miles away.

Coffee Shop & Performance space
Community gathering place and work experience for teens.

Mental Health Community Services
Grow partnerships that will bring counseling, life skills, and vocational training.

Summer Youth Programs
Drama, music, sports and cultural programs expand the mind and create new ideas for children and teens.